MiTek Trusses

RAILWAY FARM MiTek The production company Zenvile provides services for the design and manufacture of trusses and trusses using metal-toothed plates (MW) in MiTek technology. Thanks to the licensed MiTek software, the calculation is made roof of a building of any complexity. The designed structure is guaranteed to provide the specified bearing capacity in accordance with the requirements of […]

Materials Cement particle boards (TsSP) 12mm Cement particle boards are monolithic slabs with a density of 1250-1400 kg / m3, 12 mm thick with a smooth or hard surface. ECOLOGICAL DSP is an environmentally friendly material. DSP does not contain phenolic, formaldehyde and other toxic compounds. The main chemical binder is cement. The plates are […]

Back to all PRODUCTS The production of individual components are made for installation at home. Elements manufactured in such a way that are used for houses have the best technical, static, diffusion and acoustic properties that are currently required from buildings. At the construction site, according to the classical technology, only the foundation slab is […]

PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES Frame houses are one of the most promising technologies for the construction of country houses and cottages. Today it is one of the most popular technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings in the world. This technology is the main type of low-rise construction in many developed countries of the world: USA, Canada, Japan, […]